Join us for our February Codman Square Climate Justice Alliance meeting where we will be celebrating Black History Month and hosting a Transportation Justice Panel with leaders in the urban planning and transportation advocacy space:
- Marilyn Forman, Director of Organizing @ CSNDC
- Najah Casimir, Program Officer, Mobility @ Barr Foundation
- Tiffany Cogell, Principal Consultant @ Design4Equity
- Jarred Johnson, Executive Director @ TransmitMatters
We look forward to an engaging discussion with our panelists on working towards transportation justice and their vision for the future of transportation justice in Boston. This meeting will take place on February 20th from 6:00pm-8:00pm at the Second Church on 44 Moultrie Square in Codman Square (across the street from the CSNDC office) and on Zoom. There will also be space at the end of the meeting for community announcements.
Click HERE to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you there!